Emergency Dentistry

We are here to help you smile with confidence

Should you require an emergency appointment, please call us on 9227 6468 as soon as possible. It’s important to act quickly. Gaining prompt dental advice can often help decrease the risk of further damage and possibly more extensive dental treatment at a later date.

We will endeavour to see you as soon as possible. We will generally work these appointments into our already pre-booked day of patients and will often offer appointments in the middle of the day. We always endeavour to see you at a time that suits you. However, if at times we may appear inflexible, please accept our apologies and remember that we are trying to operate fairly. We do not make exceptions for any one person; we value all of our patients equally and attempt to accommodate everyone as quickly as possible.

Although it can be possible to minimise or prevent the occurrence of some dental emergencies through preventative dental care, others aren’t as easily preventable. Below is a list of some common dental emergencies:

  • Toothache
  • Dental abscess
  • Avulsed tooth (knocked out tooth)
  • Partially knocked out tooth
  • Broken or chipped tooth
  • Dislodged crown
  • Lost filling
  • Cheek, gums or lip injuries

For dental emergencies, please call 9227 6468.

Dental First Aid

If you have a dental emergency and require emergency attendance, the first thing to do is to call us to make an appointment. But there are sometimes other measures that you can take to reduce discomfort and minimise the damage that might otherwise be caused by your dental emergency. We call these measures “Dental First Aid”.

The type of first aid you need to apply depends on the type of emergency. We’ve listed some common dental emergencies on this page. Click on the link and then follow the instructions that we have provided.

The most important thing in a dental emergency is to keep calm. Assess the patient carefully, and look for signs that the emergency isn’t just dental. For example, a blow to the mouth which has dislodged a tooth might also have caused concussion. A dental abscess can cause a person to be gravely ill if the infection has spread through the body or entered the bloodstream.

If you are concerned about the patient’s general well-being, don’t hesitate to call an ambulance.

If you have any questions about dental first aid, please contact our practice for support and advice.